Join 313

313 is a significant number for us. Turn the alphabet into a simple letter-to-number cypher, and it’s what you get from C&M’s initials, but as a happy coincidence, it’s also the area code for Detroit, cradle of one of the world’s great love affairs with the automobile. The perfect name, then, for our non-exclusive exclusive members’ club. 

313 isn’t about putting a hierarchy in place, or excluding anyone. It exists simply for those who want to dive deeper into the Cult of Machine, and take part in some awesome experiences that they might not usually be able to. Members get access to some awesome benefits, outlined below. Interested? Join now online or in our Store.

For £313 a year (clever, eh?), your 313 membership entitles you to:

Access to a range of carefully curated tours of exciting automotive brands,

Drive Outs exploring some of the most stunning countryside and incredible roads the UK has to offer

Road and track driving experiences

Behind-the-scenes tours of some of the greatest names in cars and motorsport

313-exclusive Yard events with special guests

Free Yard entry for our regularly scheduled events via a 313-exclusive booking system, and first refusal for everything else C&M-related

Free 313-exclusive merchandise, not available to the general public

A 20% discount on overnight lodging at the Hill

The Emporium
The Emporium
The Emporium
The Emporium
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